Yet Another Perl Conference Europe 2001
August 2-4, 2001

Hogeschool Holland
Amsterdam, Netherlands

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YAPC Europe

Obfuscated tshirt

The obfuscated Perl code below is the design for the alternative yapc::Europe tshirt. If the code isn't quite clear enough, Philippe explained it during his lightning talk on Friday and his slides are on the proceedings CD.

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;use Safe;(my$s=new Safe)->permit(qw/rand sort entereval/);@_{s=>'t'
}=(<<Orange,"teozltro--hqaftsy ntqdsiqcg ;-)\r");%_=(%_,split(/(\n^.{24})/m,q[
____    ____   ____     _________ ________                          _
\   \  /   /  /    \   |         V        \ Hogeschool Holland     | |  __  __
 \   \/   /  /      \  |     __   \   ____/ __   __   Amsterdam   / __) \ \/ /
  \      /  /   /\   \ |    |  \  |  |     /  \ /  \ Netherlands  \__ \  >  <
   |    |  /   /__\   \|    |__/  /  |     \__/ \__/ August 2-4   (   / /_/\_\
 __|____|_/   _____    \     ____/   |____  __   __     2001      _|_|  __  __
|         \  /     \    \   |    |        \/  \ /  \             / __ \ \ \/ /
|   ______/_/    __ \____\__|____\________/\__/_\__/    ----    / / _` | >  <
|       \ |  |  |  |  V   V  __  \ |   ___ \/  __ \             \ \__,_|/_/\_\
|    ___/ |  |  |  |   ___/ /  \  \|  |___) ) /__) )  Coded by   \___/_ __  __
|   |_____|  |__|  |  | |  |    |  |   ____/  ____/   Philippe   (_)/ / \ \/ /
|         \        |  |  \  \__/  /|  |    \      \    "BooK"      / /_  )  (
|_________/\____,__|__|   \______/ |__|     \_____/    Bruhat     /_/(_)/_/\_\
   ____   ___   ___  _  ..(substr($n[&f],&g,1)=chr 97+(ord(substr$n[&f],&g,1)+
  (___ \ / _ \_/ _ \/ | $R='( +)';s/(key)|eval/$1?"value":""/eg;*n=[split/(\W+
    __) | | | | | | | | r())%26)}sub g{$X%length$n[&f]}sub f{$x%3*2}print"\n";
 __/ __/| | | | | | | | ){print@n if(select($/,$,,$<,.1*rand)||($X+=$x+++&r)).
(__)/___| |_| | |_| | | )/,$_{t}];($_=eval)=~y/\n//d;sub r{length};for(split$R
 (_____(_)___(_)___/|_| udy]),'');$|++;$s->reval($_='eval join"",sort+keys%_')

Download the above and run it to see what it does!


Last modified on August 9, 2001 by
All content copyright © 2001 Yet Another Society, Inc.