How did we achieve that

Since our RPT scripts outdated our knowledge of perl, we got a rather huge base of those scripts and, as you use what you know, it looked like like:

        print e180011                 col   1,
              e180025                 col  37 + incr_n,
              e180041                 col  64 + incr_n + incr_v,
              e180050                 col  75 + incr_n + incr_v
        print e180152                 col   5,
              e180212                 col  46

        if e180261 ^= '' then
            if e180311 ^= '' then
                set e180263 to e180263 /+ ', ' + e180311

            print e180142             col   5,
                  e180263             col  12,
                  e180270             col  64

        print   'GEMEENTE'            col   1,
                e100010               col  11,
                'Blad: '              col  63,
                pageno -1             col  69 using '#,##&'
        print   'Leerlingen'          col   1,
                'Datum:'              col  49,
                D_sys                 col  56,
                hour                  col  69
        print   75[=]                 col   1
        print   'Achternaam'          col   1,
                'Voornaam + initalen' col  37,
                'Geb dat'             col  64,
                'Gesl'                col  72
        print   'Adres'               col   5,
                'Postcode + Plaats'   col  46
        print   'SrtOnd'              col   5,
                'School'              col  12,
                'Klas'                col  53
        print   75[-]                 col   1

But it needs some kind of initialization:

sorted input
    cat [numeric 2], type [numeric 4], data [string 255]

before report
    set d_sys	to today
    set d_sys_d to mdy (d_sys, 1)
    set d_sys_m to mdy (d_sys, 0)
    set d_sys_y to mdy (d_sys, 2)
    set d_sys_ms to index (d_sys_m, ' ',
				    'januari', 'februari', 'maart',
				    'april',   'mei',	   'juni',
				    'juli',    'augustus', 'september',
				    'oktober', 'november', 'december')
    set D_sys   to Sprintf ('%02d-%02d-%04d', d_sys_d, d_sys_m, d_sys_y)
    set D_sys_s to Sprintf ('%02d %s %04d', d_sys_d, d_sys_ms, d_sys_y)

    set lpseqno	to 1
    set lp_new	to 1

    if cat = 10 and type = 0010 then
	set e100010 to data /+ ''
	set e100010 to ''

before cat
    if lp_new = 1 then
	set lp_new	to 0

	set c18		to 0
	set c15		to 0
	set c35		to 0

	set i		to ar_close ('a18')
	set e180000	to ' '
	set e180010	to ' '
	set e180011	to ' '
	set e180020	to ' '
	set e180021	to ' '
	set e180030	to ' '
	set e180031	to ' '
	set e180040	to ' '
	set e180041	to ' '
	set e350092	to ' '
	set e350093	to ' '
	set e350094	to ' '
	set e359999	to ' '


    if cat = 99 then
	set lp_new	to 1

after data
    set Data to data /+ ''

    if cat = 18 then
	if c18 = 0 then
		 if type = 0000 then set e180000 to Data
	    else if type = 0010 then set e180010 to flip_str (Data, flip)
	    else if type = 0011 then set e180011 to flip_str (Data, flip)
	    else if type = 0020 then set e180020 to Data
	    else if type = 0021 then set e180021 to Data
	    else if type = 0030 then set e180030 to Data
	    [[ many many lines later ]]
	    else if type = 0070 then set i to ar_write ('a22', c22, n220070, Data)
	    else if type = 9999 then set i to ar_write ('a22', c22, n229999, Data)
	if type = 9999 then
	    set c22 to c22 + 1

    if cat = 32 then
	if c32 = 0 then
		 if type = 0010 then set e320010 to Data
	    else if type = 7010 then set e327010 to flip_str (Data, flip)
	    [[ many lines later ]]
	    else if type = 0091 then set i to ar_write ('a35', c35, n350091, Data)
		 if type = 0092 then set i to ar_write ('a35', c35, n350092, Data)
	    else if type = 0093 then set i to ar_write ('a35', c35, n350093, Data)
	    else if type = 0094 then set i to ar_write ('a35', c35, n350094, Data)
	    else if type = 9999 then set i to ar_write ('a35', c35, n359999, Data)
	if type = 9999 then
	    set c35 to c35 + 1

after cat
    if cat = 99 then

Hmm, I hope you'll see the maintainability factor of such code is extremely low :-(

But since this code is the same for all reports, it's stored in a seperate file, which is prepended to the format part on a "need-now" basis, which enables easy to maintain the different format scripts as such.

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